Razi Azmi

Razi Azmi’s travels approximately mirror his life. When people ask him “where are you from?” he takes a deep breath, pondering whether to reply with one word (“Pakistan”) or ask a counter-question: “How much do you want to know?” Suffice it to say, Azmi has studied at universities in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russia and the United States (in that order), getting his PhD in modern history from Miami University, Ohio. He has taught at universities in Pakistan, the U.S. and Morocco and participated in seminars, read papers and given talks in many countries. He now lives in Australia, where he retired from public service with the commonwealth (federal) government. Even in this capacity, he moved from one department (ministry) to another, from immigration, to family and community services, to employment and education. In retirement, Azmi travels as often as possible. When not travelling, he works part-time as a translator and interpreter in five languages. He can be contacted at [email protected] or on his blog

Razi Azmi

Folio Books, 12-B, Ross Residencia, Canal Bank Rd, Lahore 03214848956 [email protected]